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Info on the Ultimate Crossover Roleplay-Current State of Affairs

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Info on the Ultimate Crossover Roleplay-Current State of Affairs Empty Info on the Ultimate Crossover Roleplay-Current State of Affairs

Post by TheFreddyFromThePizzeria Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:29 pm

Currently, the events of FNAF3 are happening. In a… somewhat unorthodox way.

--The Light Side--

Scott Cawthon, Ian, ALL the Undertale main characters (I shouldn't have to say that Jerry doesn't count), and Adventure animatronics were on this side. So too was Agatha, and the event animatronics from FNAF AR. However, the war has ended, and the worlds have separated once again.

(By the way, Chara is the narrator of Undertale in this roleplay)

Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Ian had the Octahedron of Transcendence. We think it was returned to the Surreal Memes-verse as the worlds unfused though. The Light Side also had a strange gem, that looks like a Sol Emerald.. we're not sure exactly what it is, though, just that it has great power. And now we never will. (Well, I suppose every story needs a mystery that never gets solved…?)

Ian himself also bad the Omnitrix, from Ben 10.

Odrex, a fusion of multiple Toa Nuva, has worked out the origin of the Books of Prophecy, as well as that of the Book of Twilight. He says the origin of the Book of Twilight specifically is… quite strange, and implies quite the interesting things…

--The Dark Side--

Darth Vader, the Stoorm Troopers, and just about every FNAF animatronic not mentioned above was on the Dark Side. However, the Dark Side is now gone, as Frisk and Ian undid the Nightmarification process, and defeated Malum. The Storm Troopers are implied to have a future in the First Order, however…

The Twisted Ones have been repaired, also on their side. We don’t exactly know what happened to them, or Springtrap being fused with his other self, for that matter. Yes, Springtrap himself had become a fusion of his old game self, and a version of him that acts just like Springtrap from the FNAF novels. Whethee this is still the case post-merge is yet to ge determined. Also, “Darth Vader” is gone. While he had two lives, this nnever came up, as he was a creation of Malum this entire time, using some of Anakin’s essence. With Malum gone, “Vader” soon faded away. Phantom Bonnie exists in this universe, by the way. Technically, phantom Toys even made appearances at times.

The Nightmarifcation Process no longer exists, at least not Springtrap’s version. Whether Scott’s version (which does NOT corrupt the animatronic it Nightmarifies) still exists is again, yet to be determined. The Dark Side also had the Magatama (from Ace Attorney) with them, and N. P. Bonnie STILL has the White Lantern Ring. (Oh dear, the agents might not like that one… Depends on whether the White Lantern Ring is supposed to appear in future DC stories…) The Nightmares also found a book that tells them more about what's destined to happen, and a guide towards the Keys of Reality.. that is to say, the five anomalies that can be pieced together to discover a truth about reality.. While it is once again unknown where the whereabouts of the book came from, it doesn’t appear to be from any universe specifically, so the Nightmares probably still own it. Though the agents might have took it, it was implied the book might have belonged to them…

Malum has already betrayed the Dark Side, and lost.

FNAF AR animatronics had quests on the Death Star. While they were likely sent back to the FNAF universe, we don’t know what happened with their quests.


0 out of 5 keys were discovered, although Gaster has spoken of discoveries that appear to match the description of two of the keys. So, maybe 2 have been found but they don’t know it? Gaster never got to finish either, so he might have moved on to the third if he had the chance? The RESET button (from Undertale) has been destroyed, meaning no more resets. (Reloads are still doable, though.)


Posts : 195
Join date : 2020-08-16

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